Candidate for Governor of Tennessee

Mezianne Vale Payne (D)

You Can't Do Epic Things With A Basic Governor. Be Epic! Vote Mezianne Payne For Governor!

Together - We Rise!

Primary Vote - Thursday August 2, 2018

General Vote - Tuesday November 6, 2018

Your Life Matters To Me 

When you elect me, I will implement my platforms to help every Tennessean Live Their Best Life. My Number One Goal Will Be Making Tennessee Work For Her People. When We Work Together, We Will Rise Together!  

"Do I Not Destroy My Enemies When I 

Make Them My Friends?"  

-Abraham Lincoln

I am one of three candidates, and the only woman, on the Democrat Ticket for Governor of Tennessee.  My platforms include: Medical Marijuana, Single-Payer Insurance, College Tuition, Technical High Schools, First Nations People Communities, and a Pledge for No State Income Tax- Ever. 

Making History In Tennessee

Tennessee has never had a woman for Governor. The Republican base is motivated to make history nominating Diane Black. I am asking the democrat party to make double  history in 2018, by nominating me, an openly gay woman! I look forward to discussing LGBTQ issues in Tennessee. I am also a feminist, and support all women, regardless of political affiliation. If elected I will support, and promote the women of Tennessee. We are strong, but we are stronger together!

Campaign Wedge Issues

These two rights are used as wedge issues to knock good candidates out of a race. 

The second amendment can only be changed in a constitutional convention. A governor can put in restrictions to make it more difficult to purchase, or expand access.

 Abortion was made legal by the Supreme Court, and can not be over-ruled by a governor, but can be restricted by the governor, effectively making it impossible for women to get an abortion.

Gun Rights In Tennessee

I have no interest in taking any rights away from Tennesseans. I will not expand, or reduce, gun rights. If any issue concerning the Second Amendment comes up, I will put it on the ballot for the Voters of Tennessee to decide. That is my pledge.

Abortion In Tennessee

Tennessee has exactly three abortion clinics, one in each section of the state. I will not expand, or decrease, abortion access in the state. If any abortion issue comes across my desk- I will put it on the ballot for the Voters of Tennessee to decide. That is my pledge.


If elected in November 2018, We will decriminalize Medical Cannabis, and make my Medical Cannabis Bill law immediately  following my inauguration in January 2019.

It will go into effect, and dispensaries can open to the public, on January 1, 2020. The state will save the money from the first year of business (2020), and will begin paying college tuition on January 1, 2021.

My Medical Marijuana program is patient centered, with the most comprehensive (36 pages) medical diagnosis qualifying list in the nation. Patients in Tennessee will be allowed to grow at home, and purchase from any dispensary in Tennessee.

Tennessee will practice reciprocity with every MMJ state, in the country. Whether, or not, that state practices it with us. We are a tourist destination, and I want visitors to buy their medicine, in our dispensaries, for the extra funding in our Single-Payer, and College Tuition Programs.   

Minimum Age To Participate In The MMJ Program

With THC will be 18.

       A patient may legally possess the following amounts of MMJ.

1. Two ounces medical marijuana flower

2. Two pounds of medical edibles, & drinks.

3. Six grams of wax/dabs/concentrates

4. Six grams of hash

5. Unlimited oils/tinctures


6. Fifty Vegetative Plants

7. Fifty Germinating Plants

8. Ten Flowering Plants

9. Unlimited Paraphernalia

None of these items are allowed on school grounds in Pre-K through grade 12.

Patients that sell/share their medical marijuana with people that do not have an MMJ card will:

1. Be stripped of your MMJ Card. You will be added to a nation-wide data base of people that cannot receive, or participate, in any MMJ program, in any MMJ state.

2. You will spend double the amount of time in jail given to offenders that sold marijuana before the MMJ law goes into affect. No Exceptions! Do Not Sell, or Share, your MMJ with anyone. 

Patient Charges/Fees To Participate In The MMJ Program 

1. A Doctor May Charge Up To $50.00 For A Determination Visit.

2. A Doctor May Charge $10.00 For Your Laminated MMJ Card.

3. A Tennessee Dispensary may charge:

   a. $10.00 dollars/gram for low shelf (THC content is 13% to 16%)

   b. $20.00/gram for medium shelf (THC content is 16% to 20%)

   c. $30.00/gram for high shelf (THC content is 20% to 26%)

   d. $40.00 to $50.00 for specialty shelf (THC content is 27% & up)

4. A Small 2% Sales Tax Will Be Added to The Purchase, To Be Paid To The State. The Dispensary May Choose To Pay It Them-selves, or Charge It To The Patient. The Sales Tax May Be Increased To A Maximum Of 4%, In The Future, To Account For Population Increase, and More Students Participating In The College Tuition Program. It Can Never Go Higher Than 4%.

5. Yearly Renewal Of MMJ Card Is Required. 



1. A Dispensary License Fee Is $100.00

2. A Nursery License Fee Is $100.00

3. A Farm License Fee For 0 to 100 acres is $200.00

4. A Farm License Fee For 100 acres, & up, is $1000.00  

5. Yearly Renewal Of License Is Required.

6. African American owned small farms (up to 100 acres) will not be charged a fee for their first license, only yearly renewed license fees apply. This is to encourage African American small farming in Tennessee.

7. African-American owned dispensaries  will be charged $25.00 for their first license, and regular yearly renewal fees. To encourage African American Small Business ownership in Tennessee.    

All Nurseries/Farms Must Practice Organic Growing, As This Is Medicine.                          


1. You Can Not Have A Felony Marijuana Charge After The DateThe Bill Is Signed.

2. If You Have a State Felony Marijuana (Only) Charge- I, As Governor, Will Pardon You, So That You May Participate.  

3. No Other Felonies Will Deter You From Receiving Medical Treatment, and Prescription Of Your Medicine (MMJ)

4. More Rules Can Be Added While Legislators Are Writing My MMJ Bill, To Be Approved, Or Denied, By The Governor Of Tennessee - Me -If Elected.

5. Once This Bill Is Signed, And Enacted, It Can Not Be Changed, By Decreasing  Patient Limits, Without Sixty Percent Approval On The Ballot, By The Voters Of Tennessee. Increasing Patient Limits Does Not Require Ballot Vote.

6. The Monies The State Of Tennessee Receives, From The MMJ Program, Can ONLY Be Used To Fund My Single-Payer Insurance Platform,  And My College Tuition Program. 

7.  First Nation's People ( Native American Indian Communities) Will Have The Option To Grow All Of The MMJ For Tennessee V.A. Medical Centers In A New Program I Am Starting- Called  Warriors Helping Warriors!

8. The State Of Tennessee Will Purchase The MMJ From The Tribes, and Give It To Every Military Veteran, In The State, For FREE. Thank You For Your Service!



 If elected in November 2018, we will write this bill, immediately after the MMJ bill is passed, in 2019. We will begin taking applications for single-payer in 2020, and start paying out for patients on January 1, 2021.

My single-payer insurance is not replacing the programs already in use in Tennessee. It is added to them. 

Tennessee has 1.5 million residents on state/federal Medicaid, at a cost of $493 million for budget year 2017. The current governor opted not to expand medicaid under Obama Care, and return $1.4 billion dollars of our federal tax money to pay for it.This has left hundreds of Tennesseans, with severe intellectual disabilities, on wait lists for medicaid. That means someone on medicaid has to die, or get out of medicaid, into private insurance, for these patients to receive care. 

A state representative, Jeremy Durham (expelled for sexual harassment in 2016) wrote, and passed Durhams Law that states the governor cannot expand medicaid without the state house, and senate, voting for it. Durhams Law has left 300,000 Tennesseans with no health insurance.

As Governor, I will work with the state house to repeal Durhams law,  expand medicaid, and receive that $1.4 billion dollars, so we can insure most of the 300,000 who still qualify. 

                               My Single-Payer Program

1. Will start by covering the Tennessee patients, with severe intellectual Disabilities, on the wait list for medicaid. Then, as the MMJ programs grow, we will start covering other Tennesseans.

2. The next group to be covered will be what is left of the 300,000 Tennesseans who did not qualify for the expanded medicaid that I will get passed with the legislature, in 2019. Once these people are covered, we will begin covering Tennesseans who work part-time, and have no access to insurance.

3. Salary Qualifications are zero to seventy five thousand a year. That sounds like a lot of money, but you have to adjust for large size families.

4. There are no monthly subscription payments. No deductibles. No out of pocket expenses. This is 100% coverage for dental, medical, vision, hearing, and prescriptions.

5. Every licensed provider (physician, nurse practitioner, etc), in the state, is required to take our insurance.

6. As the MMJ program grows, we will add more patients to single-payer.

7. Residents that make over seventy five thousand a year, and have private insurance through work, may choose to opt in to our single-payer insurance with monthly rates comparable to their private insurance. You may also do a partial opt in- you have medical, but you need vision, dental, or hearing.

8. Residents that fully opt in , and make monthly payments, will   receive an 80/20 plan like regular insurance, but it includes medical, dental, vision, hearing, and prescription coverage with no deductibles to meet.

9. Families with ten, or more children, of which we have a few in Tennessee, may make up to $100,000/year.

College Tuition Program

My College Tuition Program is not replacing all of the programs currently available to Tennessee college students. It is added to them.

 GPA scale will be to 4.0 in every Tennessee high school

Every university in the state of Tennessee, whether public/private, can break down financial aid to these numbers. Twenty percent are self paid/funded. Eighty percent of the students receive state/federal financial aid in the form of Pell Grants, Hope Scholarship lottery money, TSAA grants/scholarships, and private grants/scholarships, that cover approximately eighty percent of their tuition bill. The students that receive financial aid still have to take out student loans to cover twenty percent of their tuition, due to tuition increases every year. This is where the state can help. My MMJ program can cover that twenty percent so students do not have to take out student loans. The student will receive all of the financial aid in grants/scholarships that do not have to be paid back. The student will inform the state, in their senior year of high school, that they want the twenty percent of tuition, covered by student loans, paid by the state. 

When that student graduates they will pay the state back with their time. They will work, in their field of study, on our First Nations People ( formerly known as Native American Indian) Communities for the same amount of time they received tuition assistance from the MMJ program. This gives each student a guaranteed job, job experience, and a state paycheck, upon graduation. 

If you combine all of the programs available a student can go all the way to a masters degree with no student loans. 

                                                                       Here is the program: 

1. Every Tennessean can get two free years of junior/technical college in Tennessee. The GPA from junior college will determine the amount of time that student can receive funds from the MMJ program, instead of student loans. If you get a 3.0 GPA - you get three years at any public Tennessee university, where yearly tuition is less than twenty nine thousand a year (I apologize- but we can not afford Vanderbilt Tuition.) The 2+2 bridge program means the student will only need two years at the university to get their Bachelors degree, after graduation from junior college, and one more year after their bachelor's degree, for a master's degree. Using the students GPA forces them to have skin in the game, and appreciate their college education. 

2. Students may choose to go to a university straight out of high school. If they do- they still use their GPA to determine how much financial aid the student will receive from the MMJ Program. If you earn a 4.0 GPA, or better, in high school, you get a bachelor's degree at no charge, and you do not have to pay the state back with time.

3. Tennessee adults that take advantage of the free junior college can also use their GPA,  upon graduation from the two year program, to get their bachelor's degree. They must pay the state back with their time, as well, working on our First Nations People Communities, in their field of study, for the same amount of time they received tuition for their university bachelor's degree.

Students with intellectual disabilities, as well as physical disabilities, will receive tuition assistance based on income, instead of GPA. They will be given some lee-way in their grades due to disabilities.


4. Students may choose to go to college with student loans. Then upon graduation, can choose to work on our First Nations People Communities (FNPC), and have the student loans forgiven by the federal government.

5. Current college students may choose to help build/work on our FNPC to receive student loan forgiveness from the federal government. The job is provided by the state, your income is paid by the state, and you will have a guaranteed job upon graduation, which will give you valuable job experience. When I am elected, and we begin implementing platforms, the state will notify each university, in Tennessee, of the jobs available to begin building our FNPC. College students will apply to participate in this program, and receive student loan debt forgiveness. 

Adding the MMJ program to the programs in use today, gives all Tennessee college students more options to pay off student loans, or not have to take out student loans. Just like the hope lottery scholarship that pays a percentage of tuition. If every college student utilizes all of our programs, they can graduate college student loan debt free. This will help our millennial's start their adult lives debt free; making it easier to get their own place, get married, and have kids when they want to, instead of waiting to pay off school loans. Besides, we're leaving them with a 22 trillion dollar national debt to pay off. We better find a way to educate them student loan -free. 

Politicians- if you do not have platforms that help millennials, you are not worth voting for. You better start  looking long-term, and stop thinking about your job re-election chances. Millennials are the biggest generation in America. They can out vote baby boomers, and generation X, combined. Our federal government has failed them in every way possible, and they are going to have to figure out how to financially save America. Taking care of education, and healthcare, are a must for this generation. Millennials will work to pay off this debt- let us get them started on the best financial ground possible, not a second financial hole to dig out of. 

Education: Daycare to grade 12

When we are born, we have the most brain cells we will ever have in our lifetime. The moment we take our first breath, brain cells start dying. Why do we have so many brain cells when we are born? We have to learn language, how to crawl, then walk. We have to learn everything, and that takes a lot of brain cells. None of us remember learning how to do all of these things, and is that not the easiest way?

Tennessee must fully fund every school, and increase teacher pay by ten to twenty percent. This section will focus on school needs, school safety, and school curriculum's. Every Tennessee Student will be issued an iPad/tablet, instead of heavy books to carry, and students can record the lecture. This removes the need for backpacks, as students will only need to carry one notebook. 

                                         School Safety

It will cost six million dollars to have two police officers at every school in the state. As governor, I will make sure every school campus has a police substation, with at least two police officers. Every month- the students, and local police, will practice live shooter scenarios, with air soft guns. This will help prepare students to run/hide/fight if a shooter comes in their school. 

We must not fail our students in this regard. If we can secure airports, we can secure our schools. It only takes political will, which I have, and funding, which we will get. We need better security at all schools, but we can not decrease the number of entrances, and exits, due to fire safety. The doors should be locked so no one from the outside can get in, bullet proof glass can be installed, as long as it can be pushed out encase of fire.. Metal detectors should be stationed at the entrance.

Retired police officers, and military personnel, can volunteer to help the two stationed police officers secure each campus. No more backpacks allowed at school. Purses will be checked for weapons. We will remove all lockers, no books means no need for lockers, except in the gym. Students will be taking PE, and need to change clothes. I will be listening to school supervisors, principals, teachers, students, and local police,  about  their security enhancement ideas, and implementing those when they can be used.

Normally we would start in pre-k, but the fact is, other countries move at a much faster pace, and teach more difficult academics, at an earlier grade, than America does. Waiting until high school to teach a foreign language is to late. This is a problem for our students, who have to compete with international students, for acceptance into American Universities. We must stop babying our students, and literally teach the babies. None of us remember learning to speak, and science says this is the best time to learn foreign languages. Science also says learning art, and music, exercise each side of babies brain- so academics are not as difficult to learn. Exercise is important for health reasons, and mentally. Exercise/recess/playtime are vital to keep children off of brain altering ADD/ADHD drugs, and lessens obesity. Each daycare must teach: Art, Music, Foreign Languages, and have P.E. So we begin in daycare, under my administration. 

We will change paid maternity leave from six weeks to four months, for our new Tennessee moms, and dads can take family leave for four months.

Each daycare in Tennessee will receive Babble/Rosetta Stone, from the state. Each Daycare will choose which language they want to teach, giving parents more options, when selecting a daycare for their child. The daycare workers do not need to know how to speak a foreign language, but they will wind up learning it anyway.

The crib room for our four month old babies will play babble out loud. This way baby gets English at home, and when spoken to by our daycare workers, and a foreign language is playing in the crib room all day long. There is no art, music, or P.E. for the crib room. 

The next step up is the toddler room. Art is taught in the form of finger painting, foreign language is played in the background, classical music is played at nap-time so our toddlers start learning musical sounds. The toddlers will also start learning how to count, memorizing the alphabet, and how to spell their names.

As the child progresses, so will the art/music/foreign language, and P.E.. These four classes will go all the way to sophomore year, getting progressively harder each year. Keeping foreign language through tenth grade means students will retain that foreign language for a lifetime. Keeping Art, Music, and PE, exercises that students brain so that they can learn harder classes easier.

Pre-k to third grade: Multiplication tables must be memorized by the end of third grade. Basic math, science, history,english, and technology will begin in Pre-k, along with art, music, foreign languages, and PE. The academic classes can be taught in a fifteen minute burst, which is the length of this child's attention span. A fifteen minute math class, then fifteen minutes of music. A fifteen minute english class, then fifteen minutes of art. This gives the academics, just learned, a chance to settle in the short term memory area of the brain.

Fourth Grade to Sixth Grade: We use calculators everywhere in life, except in Kindergarten to high school. That changes now, stop wasting precious brain cells to memorize;  math classes will now have use of calculators, starting in fourth grade. Academics are now pre-biology, pre-algebra, english, Tennessee history, music, art, foreign languages, PE, government civics, labs for science/math, and elective sports.

Seventh and eighth grade: This might look more like high school to you! Our students are learning algebra, biology, earth science, english, U.S. History, music, art, foreign languages, elected sports, and PE for students that do not participate in elected sports.

Pick Your Path: Junior College, Technical College, or University.

University Path

Ninth and Tenth Grade: All of the classes these students take, used to be junior and senior classes. We have started our academics two years earlier in elementary school for this purpose. Students begin taking ACT's at the beginning of junior year. The higher their score- the more money they get to attend college. The student takes these academic classes, along with their music, art, foreign languages, and PE.  If the student is in public school in Tennessee, they will have those junior, and senior, classes done at the end of tenth grade, allowing them to score higher on their ACT's.

Eleventh and Twelfth grade: These students no longer require foreign languages, art, music, or PE. This looks just like college! When adults go back to college, after twenty years in the workforce, they have to take "introduction to" math/science/english classes, before taking the actual class. We are going to do that here. Every high school has an auditorium that can seat several hundred students at once. Our juniors, and seniors, will take "intro to" college classes, that are common core classes every freshman, and sophomore, college student has to take.  

The entire junior class will have lecture, for fifty five minutes, in the auditorium, on their Introduction to class (like intro to zoology) , on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The students do not switch classrooms, the teacher does. All lecture classes for juniors will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.The two hour lab classes will be on Tuesday, and Thursdays. 

The entire senior class will have 90 minute lecture (introduction to) classes, in the auditorium, on Tuesdays/Thursdays. The Labs to those classes will be held on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays. Seniors that have an A grade in lecture class, will have the option to skip that classes lab, if they so choose. 

Technical High School Path: Long -Term Platform.

Tennessee Technical High School are non-existent. Shop/woodworking/mechanics classes were canceled due to budgeting. Our students deserve Technical High Schools in Tennessee, and we are going to build/remodel them, along with bays, to do the hands on work. We will build them in the distressed Tennessee counties first, then move on to the twenty nine almost-distressed counties, and last is our richest counties. 

The Technical High School curriculum does not require students to take music, art, foreign languages, or PE. The academic classes will be the core classes needed to graduate from high school, and should be finished by the end of sophomore year. The schedule is the same as university path students, the classes are different. Our Technical high schools will offer classes for the following fields:

High Performance Racing, & Technology, High Performance Racing Bio-Fuels, Agriculture equipment technology, Auto/diesel mechanics, HVAC technology, Robotics, and Automation technology, plumbing, electrician, welding, pipe fitters, I.T., and more.

Junior and senior year - Technical High Schools: Will be taking the "introduction to" common core technical college classes taken in freshman/sophomore year of college. Technical high schools will not have class on fridays. Fridays will be saved for students to work on high performance cars for friday night races, and on personal vehicles.

This is going to take a long time to finish building, as I hope to have a technical high school, for every high school, in Tennessee. I know these long term plans seem like we can never afford them because it is such a big job, but if we never start building, we will never have technical high schools in Tennessee. This is a project, where we can do a few different counties, at the same time, over a one year period. The lecture portion can be taught in the regular high school class rooms. We will raise the money to build the bays, and lab rooms, on our regular high school campus. By doing several counties at the same time, we can complete this project in a ten to twenty year time frame. I promise you, it will be worth doing all of this work. Many Tennesseans will lift themselves out of future poverty by our Technical high schools that will feed into our twenty seven technical colleges in Tennessee.  

Every school, and college, will be paired with their First Nations People Communities, In Their Section Of Tennessee.

First Nations People Communities (FNPC)

(Formerly known as Native American Indian Reservations)

None of my platforms work without this one, the most important.

Have you ever wondered why First Nations People live in such poverty? Why do they live in old homes/trailers with busted out windows in some of the coldest states in America?

It is because they do not own their land. The federal government holds that land in a trust. They can not use the land as leverage to borrow money from a bank to fix their broken homes, or,  to start a business.. They do not receive entitlements from the federal government for food/shelter. The keystone pipeline runs through their only source of drinking water, and an oil spill occurred the first week the oil started flowing, poisoning the land, and future drinking water. The tribes in Oklahoma ( Tennessee is their ancestral land) live on land that is being fracked, for oil, to within an inch of its life. They suffer thousands of earthquakes every year. Their drinking water is being poisoned, with water, and chemicals, being forced into the earth to crack the shell rock, and get that oil.

We lost our states most environmentally conscious persons, and we need them now, more than ever. It is time that We, The People of Tennessee,  bring home our First Nations People. It is past time to right Andrew Jackson's Trail of Tears.

The next time you ride across the state, look out your window. We have thousands, of acres, of untouched, pristine land and water. This land can be utilized, and here is how we will do it.

I want to build one First Nations People Communities, in each section of the state. It will require between fifteen hundred to two thousand acres each. We will build homes in the same style of habitat for humanity. Volunteers from that section of the state, along with college students working off tuition assistance, will come together to build a house in a matter of days. The entire neighborhood will be built in this fashion.

As governor, I will get building supply donations from Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Walmart. Kmart,etc... I will ask all businesses in Tennessee to donate every material possible. I will work with celebrities, active in the Standing Rock Protest, to raise money to build these homes. I will also apply for federal grants from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to build our communities.

I will need students graduating in every field to help build these communities as well. This is how they will pay the state back for tuition assistance. Once built, students that participate in our tuition program, will work in these communities, in their field of study, for the same amount of time they received tuition. These students will receive a salary from the state, and must be invited to work in the community by the tribe.

The entire tribe will pay the state $1.00 for their land, that the tribe will own. When a family/individual moves into a house, on a lot, they will pay the state $1.00 to own the house/lot. This allows the tribe to leverage land, to open businesses, and individual tribe members can leverage their house/lot to start a business. We will not have casino's in Tennessee, the next paragraph will explain how the tribe can make money.

The tribe will have large agriculture fields so the tribe can grow their own food if desired. To make money, as an entire tribe, the state will offer each FNPC the opportunity to grow ALL of the MMJ for Tennessee V.A. Medical Centers, and their dispensaries - if they choose to have them. The state will purchase each crop from the tribe, and provide the medicine to our military veterans for free.   

Please keep reading.. There is more below. We will start with rules for FNPC.                         

           First Nations People Communities


1. There will be one FNPC in each section of the state.

2. Each FNPC will be paired with every school in their section of the state. School children will take field trips to the FNPC's to learn natural conservation, and First Nations People culture.

3. Non-First Nations People are NOT allowed on this land without an invitation from the leaders of the FNPC. This is for the protection of the land owned by the FNPC. ONLY First Nations People my own, and live on, this land. If a member of the FNPC marries a non-FNP, they may choose to live in our communities, or the FNPC.

4. The FNPC will purchase their land from the state of Tennessee. Ownership of the land will belong to the entire tribe. Each house, with it's own lot, will be purchased by a member of the tribe for $1.00, from the state, and they will receive the deed to their house/lot. This ownership will give that tribe member the right to borrow against their home/lot to start a business, if they so choose, in their community, or ours.

5. The FNPC will not be allowed to build casinos. If the tribe wants a revenue source, they will be offered the exclusive right to grow all of the MMJ for Tennessee V.A. medical centers in our Warriors Helping Warriors program.  The state of Tennessee will purchase the crop (per pound) from the FNPC, and provide it, for free, to Tennessee military veterans. Thank you for your service.

6. First Nations People will be a resident of their Nation, and a resident of Tennessee, as well. With all of the rights, and responsibilities, of every other Tennessean.

7. FNP high school students may choose to go to a school (K-12) in their community, or ours. Upon completion of high school, each First Nations People will receive free college tuition, in the state of Tennessee, just like our students.

8. FNP may choose to live in their community, or ours.

9. The State of Tennessee will pay the cost to have utilities run to the FNPC.

10. I will offer two First Nations People, in Oklahoma, the opportunity to come home to their ancestral land, in Tennessee. 

I want to offer the Lakota Nation, in Standing Rock, the opportunity to leave their land, that is being poisoned by the keystone pipeline, and move to Tennessee. We will offer pristine land/water in our eastern section community. The weather in winter is pretty cold, not like where you are now in North Dakota, but it will resemble what you are used too.

I have one FNPC adviser, to my campaign, that will help me achieve the goals set out for our FNPC's. His name is Sayota, and he will be working hard, with the rest of us, to make this platform a reality. I want to take a moment, and thank my Apache Friend- Sayota. I would be lost in my goals of righting the terrible wrong of Andrew Jackson without him. His wisdom, and happiness, brings great strength, and compassion, to our campaign. God has blessed me with Sayota's advice.

     As I campaign, and hear local issues, I will add them to my platforms on this page. If there is an issue you are concerned about, and do not see it here, please email it to me. I will respond, and add the issues to my page, appropriately. See Infrastructure, and more- next.

Infrastructure In Tennessee

I have big infrastructure plans that I will pair with the federal government/the President - to get done.

For the entire state - I plan on repaving roads, laying rail tracks for Amtrak across the state, and laying fast broadband internet across the whole state.

West Tennessee Infrastructure- Please look at the state page (pdf) for the West Tennessee Regional Mega Site. The amount of good paying jobs is over 25,000 with hundreds of millions in revenue for the state as well, once completed.

Middle Tennessee - Economic growth in middle Tennessee will happen when the governor supports regional water supply needs with the Tennessee Duck River Development Agency. I have plans for automotive factories, medical edible factories, and medical marijuana nurseries/dispensaries. This will require the work being completed with the Duck River Development Agency. 

They will have my full support, as governor, so that we can grow economic prosperity in Middle Tennessee, for new business, and the residents of that section. We will also begin development of land for our FNPC  ( formally known as native american Indian communities) in each section of the state. They will include agriculture fields, and homes, which increases the need for water. 

I will begin campaigning in the eastern part of Tennessee next week. I will be researching, and asking questions of local residents to see what big infrastructure is needed in that section. Then I will add that to my web page here.